
Because nobody can look that "interesting" on their own.

With the recent coverage of male celebs using stylists for certain events, it made me wonder if there are also male celebs who use stylists for their "everyday" wear, a la the ladies and Rachael Zoe. Case and point, Kanye West and his trip to Paris Fashion Week:

Should we try and fool ourselves into thinking Mr. Ego dresses himself? Should we wonder who is picking out his clothes? I think the real question is why, West or anyone who might have possibly seen him before he stepped out for the day, allowed him to look like this (a closer look at West's attempt at the Brawny Man):

Just because they sell it at the store, Kanye, doesn't mean you have to buy it. His fiance Alexis is kind of fine though, for real.

Photos: Men.style.com.

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